E T Th R J h M h(2 / 2)
honest an ay like a ss,
but an reven, an&039; alice fae
he&039;ll still disda,
an&039; then cry zeal for gospel ws,
like we ken
they take religion their outh;
they talk o&039; rcy, grace, an&039; truth,
for what?—to gie their alice skouth
on puir wight,
an&039; hunt hi down, owre right and ruth,
to ru straight
all hail, religion! aid dive!
pardon a e sae an as e,
who her rough iperfect le
th daurs to na thee;
to stigatise false friends of the
can ne&039;er defa thee
tho&039; blotch&039;t and foul wi&039; ony a sta,
an&039; far unworthy of thy tra,
with treblg voice i tune y stra,
to jo with those
who boldly dare thy cae ata
spite of foes:
spite o&039; crowds, spite o&039; obs,
spite o&039; underg jobs,
spite o&039; dark banditti stabs
at worth an&039; rit,
by sundrels, even wi&039; holy robes,
but hellish spirit
o ayr! y dear, y native ground,
with thy presbyterial bound
a candid liberal band is found
of public teachers,
as n, as christians too, renown&039;d,
an&039; anly preachers
sir, that circle you are na&039;d;
sir, that circle you are fa&039;d;
an&039; , by who your doctre&039;s b&039;d
(which gies you honour)
even, sir, by the your heart&039;s estee&039;d,
an&039; ng anner
pardon this freedo i have ta&039;en,
an&039; if ipertent i&039;ve been,
ipute it not, good sir, ane
whase heart ne&039;er wrang&039;d ye,
but to his utost would befriend
ought that beng&039;d ye